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10 Essential Takeaways for Building Healthy Friendships


Reading Time: 2 min read

  1. Friendship is transactional: The author believes that a healthy friendship is one where both parties benefit from each other, and that individuals should be willing to end a friendship if it's no longer serving them.
  2. Not all friends are equal: The author distinguishes between friends who "root for" you and those who don't. Friends who actively try to destroy your efforts or resent your success are not worth keeping.
  3. Growth and change are necessary: Friendships should be flexible and adaptable to accommodate growth and change. People who resist change are likely to hold you back.
  4. Investment is key: The author suggests that people should invest in relationships that yield the highest returns, and that those who don't may not be worth keeping.
  5. Seasons of friendship are okay: It's okay to have friends for a season, and then move on when your goals and values diverge.
  6. True help comes from allies: The author defines a true friend as someone who supports and helps you achieve your goals, rather than someone who tries to hold you back or keep you in a comfort zone.
  7. Burning bridges is sometimes necessary: The author suggests that cutting ties with toxic or unhelpful friends may be necessary for personal growth, and that it's not necessarily "burning bridges" but rather "pruning" a tree to make room for new growth.
  8. Authentic conversations are key: The author emphasizes the importance of having genuine and respectful conversations with friends, rather than trying to be right or prove a point.
  9. Inspiration is important: The author values friends who inspire and motivate them to pursue their goals and passions.
  10. Prioritizing long-term goals is crucial: The author believes that individuals should prioritize their long-term goals and values over short-term relationships or friendships that may not align with their aspirations.

Source: No New Friends (My Extreme Views On Friendship), Alex Hormozi