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Debunking the Myth of Linear Media Funnels: What Content Creators Need to Know


Reading Time: 1 min read

  1. Media funnels are not linear: The theory that people move from entertaining content to educational content is oversimplified. In reality, people tend to seek out more of what they value, whether it's entertainment or education.
  2. People prioritize what they enjoy: Rather than moving from one type of content to another, people tend to stick with what they find entertaining, educational, or valuable.
  3. Not everyone is a fan of both entertainment and education: Different individuals have different preferences, and those who value entertainment may not be interested in or seeking out educational content, and vice versa.
  4. Content creators should focus on providing what their audience wants: Instead of trying to convert people from one type of content to another, content creators should focus on providing high-quality content that their target audience values and enjoys.

Source: Entertainment Content Vs Educational Content, Alex Hormozi