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"Frugal Living Hacks from Someone Who Spent $20,000 a Month and Still Saved"


Reading Time: 2 min read

Living on $1500 a month

  • The speaker lived on 1500amonthwhileearning1500 a month while earning 20,000 a month, and was able to do so by being frugal and strategic with his finances.
  • He prioritized three big cost centers: transportation, living, and food.


  • The speaker ate out every day, and found that the cheapest options were Chipotle, Panda Express, and Chick-fil-A.
  • He recommends meal hacks and prep to save money and time.


  • The speaker recommends buying a used vehicle in cash, between 5,000and5,000 and 10,000.
  • He also recommends driving for Uber to make extra money.


  • The speaker lived in Southern California and was able to find a roommate to split the cost of rent.
  • He recommends finding a room in a shared house with like-minded individuals who share your goals.


  • The speaker believes that having strong relationships is key to success, and recommends being a good friend and providing value to others.
  • He also recommends not needing anything in return for helping others, as this can lead to stronger and more meaningful relationships.

Money habits

  • The speaker recommends tracking your bank account daily to stay on top of your finances and stay motivated.
  • He also recommends getting competitive with your bank account, and setting goals to increase your income and decrease your expenses.

Gaming your finances

  • The speaker believes that gamifying your finances can be a powerful way to stay motivated and focused on your goals.
  • He recommends setting up a system to track your progress and celebrate your successes.


  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of being frugal, strategic, and proactive with one's finances.
  • He believes that these habits can lead to greater financial freedom and success.

Source: Get Rich In 2023 Live Like You’Re Broke, Alex Hormozi