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Leverage Your Insider Advantage: How to Make Smarter Investment Decisions


Reading Time: 1 min read

  1. Justification for saying no to opportunities: When making an investment decision, you can always say no to opportunities because they may also look like risks, and others will agree that you made a good decision in avoiding the risk.
  2. Asymmetric knowledge: To gain an edge in an industry, you need to have asymmetric knowledge that shifts the odds in your favor.
  3. Harnessing your skills: As an insider, you can use your skills to identify risks that seem insurmountable to others (e.g., a 10 out of 10 risk), but are actually manageable for you (e.g., a 2 out of 10 risk).
  4. Risk-adjusted returns: Your risk-adjusted return can differ greatly from others due to your unique skills and knowledge, even if you're participating in the same opportunity.
  5. Insider advantage: Being an insider allows you to capitalize on opportunities with a higher upside while minimizing your risk, giving you a competitive advantage over others.

Source: The Truth About Risk..., Alex Hormozi