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Mastering the Gift Ask Ratio: Tips for Effective Audience Engagement


Reading Time: 1 min read

  1. Mastering the Gift Ask Ratio: The balance between giving value to your audience and asking for something in return. This ratio has been well-studied, and the goal is to provide value until your audience is ready to make a purchase.
  2. Give Until They Ask: Instead of giving, giving, giving and then asking, try giving until your audience is ready for you to make an offer. This approach has been effective for the speaker.
  3. Integrate Asks: Integrate your asks into your content, such as through a dedicated post or a brief advertisement. This approach is more effective for long-form content.
  4. Intermittent Asks: Make intermittent asks, such as sharing a post or a video, to maintain a strong presence and build trust with your audience.
  5. Under-Ask: Always under-ask your audience. It's better to err on the side of caution and not exhaust your audience's goodwill.
  6. Compounding Goodwill: The value you provide to your audience can compound over time, making it easier to make asks and build a loyal following.
  7. Right Hooks: Don't overdo it with right hooks (large asks). Leave some goodwill on the table for future opportunities.
  8. Supply and Demand: Control your supply (content, services, etc.) and artificially shift the demand curve in your favor. This will increase your pricing power and profits.
  9. Growth Over Asking: Prioritize growth and giving value to your audience over making asks. This approach will lead to a stronger brand and more loyal followers.
  10. Patience and Self-Discipline: Be patient and self-disciplined in your approach. It's easy to get carried away with asks, but it's essential to hold back and let your audience grow with you.

Source: Make Money Online (Without Destroying Your Reputation), Alex Hormozi