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The Art of Intentional Relationships: Growing and Changing with Authentic Connections


Reading Time: 1 min read

  1. Growing and changing: The author sheds friends every season of their life, and grows quickly because they don't hold on to things that don't provide value.
  2. The importance of boundaries: The author sets boundaries by not giving up too much to maintain relationships, and prioritizes their own goals and values.
  3. Relationships are transactional: The author believes that relationships are transactional, and that people get something out of a relationship before giving back. They prioritize relationships that provide positive reinforcement.
  4. Good friends are rare: The author believes that good friends are rare and that they need to be willing to make sacrifices to maintain relationships. They prioritize relationships that align with their goals and values.
  5. Shedding identities: The author suggests that shedding identities (e.g. old friends) is a necessary part of personal growth and progress.
  6. Honesty and authenticity: The author encourages honesty and authenticity in relationships, and suggests that people should prioritize relationships with those who encourage them to be their best selves.
  7. Joining communities: The author suggests that joining communities related to one's interests and goals is a great way to meet like-minded people and build meaningful relationships.
  8. Living a rare life: The author wants to live a rare life and surround themselves with rare people who share their goals and values.

Overall, the author's message is about being intentional and authentic in relationships, prioritizing one's own growth and goals, and surrounding oneself with people who align with those values.

Source: Why Old Friends Keep You Poor..., Alex Hormozi