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"The Power of Lead Magnets: A 7-Step Checklist for Creating a Lead Magnet That Generates Leads"


Reading Time: 2 min read

The Problem

  • You're not making as much money as you want because you're not getting enough leads.
  • You're not getting enough leads because you're not giving away enough free stuff.

The Solution

  • Give away a complete solution to a narrowly defined problem, also known as a lead magnet.
  • A lead magnet is not a partial solution, but rather a complete solution that solves a specific problem.
  • It's designed to attract people who are interested in your product or service and increase trust in your business.

The Benefits

  • Giving away free stuff can increase demand for your product or service.
  • It can also increase trust in your business and reduce the cost to acquire new customers.

The 7-Step Checklist for Creating Lead Magnets

  1. Figure out the problem you want to solve and who you want to solve it for.
  2. Figure out how you want to solve the problem (e.g. with information, a service, or a physical product).
  3. Figure out how you want to deliver the solution (e.g. as an ebook, video, or physical product).
  4. Package the solution (e.g. with a compelling title, subtitle, and image).
  5. Make it fast and easy to consume (e.g. by offering multiple formats, such as audio, written, or video).
  6. Make it good and valuable (e.g. by avoiding "sucky fluff" and instead providing a high-quality solution).
  7. Make it easy for people to take the next step (e.g. by providing a clear call-to-action and multiple ways to take the next step).

Additional Tips

  • Don't be afraid to give away actual free work that costs you money, as it can be valued at a significantly higher percentage by the marketplace.
  • Incur calculated costs upfront to increase the value of your lead magnet and make more money in the long run.
  • Focus on providing value to people who will never give you money, as it can reinforce your reputation in the marketplace and attract more business in the future.

Source: Giving Away Free Stuff Will Make You Rich, Alex Hormozi