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The Power of Mentorship: Embracing Progress and Growth


Reading Time: 2 min read

  1. A good teacher is one who helps you surpass them: The speaker emphasizes that the goal of a mentor or teacher is to help you become better than they are, not to make you feel inferior or stuck with a certain level of knowledge.
  2. Sequence is important: Just like in arithmetic, where you first learn numbers and then addition, and then multiplication, the speaker believes that the sequence of learning and mentorship is crucial.
  3. Don't resent younger generations: The speaker urges people to stop lamenting that younger generations have it easier and instead recognize that progress is about creating a better world for those who come next.
  4. Mentorship is about passing on knowledge: The speaker believes that mentorship is not about holding back secrets or trying to be better than others, but rather about sharing experiences and knowledge to help others succeed.
  5. The point of progress is to make the next generation's life easier: The speaker emphasizes that the true goal of progress is to make the next generation's life easier, not to make their own life more challenging.
  6. Don't be afraid to be surpassed: The speaker encourages people to be open to learning and improving, and acknowledges that being surpassed by others is a sign of progress, not failure.
  7. Gratitude is key: The speaker believes that expressing gratitude towards mentors and teachers is essential, as it shows appreciation for their guidance and helps build stronger relationships.
  8. The new definition of success is being surpassed by your students: The speaker proposes a new definition of success for teachers and mentors, where success is measured by the number of students they surpass, not by how many people they can teach or mentor.

Overall, the speaker's message is about the importance of mentorship, gratitude, and progress, and encouraging people to adopt a mindset of growth, humility, and appreciation for the people who have helped them along the way.

Source: I Was Wrong About Mentorship..., Alex Hormozi