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The Power of the Rule of One: Simple, Direct, and Effective Sales Messaging


Reading Time: 1 min read

  1. The Rule of One: When creating sales messages, focus on a single, compelling idea that is easy to understand, believable, and unique. Every element of the message should reinforce this one big idea.
  2. Avoid "Tossed Salad" Copy: Do not try to cram multiple great things into a single message, hoping one will work. Instead, focus on a single message that is simple, direct, and easy to understand.
  3. Simple and Direct Messages are Most Effective: The best-converting advertisements are often the simplest, most direct, and clearest to understand. When you only have to pick one message, it forces you to be more tactful and focused.
  4. Unique Selling Proposition (USP): A USP is typically the Rule of One. Instead of trying to list multiple features or benefits, focus on a single core concept that sets you apart.
  5. The Key to a Good Message is Focus: When crafting a sales message, focus on one central idea and reinforce it with sub-points and supporting evidence. This will make your message more targeted, crisp, and effective.
  6. The Rule of One is Counterintuitive: It may seem easier to list multiple benefits or points, but in reality, trying to do so can lead to a "tossed salad" mess. Instead, focus on the one big idea that resonates with your audience.

By applying the Rule of One to your sales messages, you can create more effective, believable, and engaging communications that resonate with your audience.

Source: $300M Company Built On Simple Copywriting Hack, Alex Hormozi