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5 Lessons Learned from a Sales Consult Gone Wrong


Reading Time: 1 min read

  1. First sales consult didn't go as planned: The speaker didn't immediately close every customer they met, as they had hoped.
  2. Customer left to get her credit card: The first customer they met needed to go home to get her credit card, and the speaker didn't realize this was a common occurrence.
  3. Boss's reaction was unexpected: When the speaker reported to their boss that they "closed" the customer, their boss and others around him burst out laughing, thinking it was a ridiculous statement.
  4. Lesson learned: The speaker didn't know at the time, but the customer would actually come back with the credit card, and didn't realize that getting the credit card wasn't an instantaneous process.
  5. Value of experience and learning: Although the experience didn't go as planned, it taught the speaker a valuable lesson about the sales process and the importance of understanding customer needs and behaviors.

Source: My First Sale Ever..., Alex Hormozi