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6 Effective Holiday Marketing Strategies to Boost Sales


Reading Time: 1 min read

Loss Leader Strategy

  • Sell a well-understood product at a loss to attract customers
  • Use a "loss leader" to bring customers to your store
  • Make up for the loss by selling ancillary products or services with higher margins

Gift Card Strategy

  • Offer gift cards to your services or products at a discount (e.g. 200for200 for 20)
  • Limit the offer to existing customers and encourage them to purchase for friends and family
  • Use the gift card to attract new customers and generate leads

High-Ticket Strategy

  • Offer a high-priced package or service (e.g. $22,000) to a limited number of customers (e.g. 5%)
  • Use hype and scarcity to create a sense of urgency and drive sales
  • Use the high-ticket strategy to increase revenue and attract new customers

Buy X Get Y Free Strategy

  • Offer a discount on a product or service if customers buy a certain quantity (e.g. buy one get two free)
  • Use this strategy to increase sales and drive revenue during the holidays
  • Use the strategy to create a sense of value and perceived value

Magic Wrapping Paper Strategy

  • Use a "magic wrapping paper" (acronym: MAGIC) to create a sense of urgency and attract customers during the holidays
  • M: Magnetic reason why (Black Friday, etc.)
  • A: Avatar (target market)
  • G: Goal (ultimate outcome)
  • I: Interval (time frame)
  • C: Container word (bundling multiple products or services)

These strategies can be applied to various businesses and industries, from physical products to services. The key is to create a sense of urgency and value, while also using effective marketing and sales techniques to attract customers during the holiday season.

Source: How To Get Rich This Black Friday, Alex Hormozi