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Avoiding the Agency Trap: A 3-Phase Strategy for Success


Reading Time: 2 min read

Key Points:

  1. The author grew their audience by 5 million people in 24 months by using a rarely discussed method involving using advertising agencies.
  2. The author overcame their own skill deficiency by paying agencies to help them shortcut their path to success.
  3. The Agency Trap: Many agencies take advantage of new clients by charging them a premium and providing poor results.
  4. 3-Phase Agency Strategy:
    • Phase 1: Hire a basic agency to help you create content regularly and learn the basics.
    • Phase 2: Work with a more advanced agency to learn advanced techniques and strategies.
    • Phase 3: Train your in-house team to take over the responsibilities and eventually divorce the agency.
  5. How to Choose an Agency:
    • Assess your priorities: Do you have more money or more time?
    • Set clear intentions and expectations with the agency.
    • Learn from the agency and document their processes.
    • Co-create content with the agency.
    • Transcribe knowledge and expertise to your in-house team.
  6. Common Agency Mistakes:
    • Many agencies charge a premium and provide poor results.
    • They often promote themselves as experts, but may not actually be skilled.
    • They may use outdated strategies or approaches.
    • They may overcharge for their services.
  7. How to Avoid the Agency Trap:
    • Set clear expectations and intentions with the agency.
    • Learn from the agency and document their processes.
    • Co-create content with the agency.
    • Transcribe knowledge and expertise to your in-house team.
    • Be prepared to transition to an in-house solution once your team is competent.

Additional Insights:

  • The author emphasizes the importance of building an Enterprise and creating a valuable business.
  • The author highlights the need to learn new skills and platforms to stay ahead in the game.
  • The author stresses the importance of transparency and clear communication with agencies.
  • The author shares their personal experiences working with multiple agencies and the lessons they learned from those experiences.

Source: I Gained 5,000,000+ Followers With This Secret Method, Alex Hormozi