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Maximizing Productivity with a Strategic Meeting Schedule


Reading Time: 1 min read

  1. The writer has a productive routine on Mondays, which is his most productive day of the week.
  2. He prioritizes having multiple meetings on this day to maximize his productivity.
  3. He believes that having a single meeting at 10:00 am can disrupt his workflow and reduce his productivity.
  4. He works similarly on other days of the week when he has fewer commitments, focusing on preparing for meetings and maximizing his time.
  5. He tends to schedule meetings from the back of the day to the front, allowing him to have a buffer of time and start meeting with a clear head.
  6. By combining focused work days with meetings, he is able to optimize his use of time and achieve his goals.

Source: My Actual Productivity Routine (It'S Made Me Millions), Alex Hormozi