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The Cost of Success: Weighing Sacrifices and Priorities for Achieving Your Goals


Reading Time: 1 min read

  1. Success requires sacrifice: To achieve big things, you'll need to put in extra effort and make sacrifices, such as working late, skipping social events, and missing out on personal activities.
  2. Trade-offs are necessary: When making decisions, you'll need to weigh the value of short-term rewards against the benefits of long-term goals. You may need to make sacrifices now for something more valuable later.
  3. It's not wrong to prioritize short-term goals: If you're not willing to make the sacrifices, that's okay. It's about making conscious decisions about what you're willing to trade off for your goals.
  4. The person who is willing to make sacrifices is the one who will achieve their goals: The text emphasizes that those who are willing to make the necessary sacrifices are more likely to achieve their goals and become the person they want to be.

Source: If You Want To Win Big..., Alex Hormozi