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The Limiting Factor in Business: How to Overcome it


Reading Time: 2 min read

The Limiting Factor in Business is the Entrepreneur

  • The entrepreneur is the one thing that limits every business, not the opportunity, business vehicle, or anything else.
  • The entrepreneur's skills, character traits, and beliefs are the three main factors that impact their success.

Skills, Character Traits, and Beliefs

  • Skills can be learned through education, workshops, books, seminars, coaching programs, and mentorship.
  • Character traits, such as discipline, focus, and patience, are developed through consistent action and adherence to values.
  • Beliefs are what we think are true about the world, and can limit or expand our abilities.

Mentorship and Masterminds

  • Mentorship is the highest-leverage way to learn and grow, especially from people who are ahead of you.
  • Masterminds provide a community of people who share knowledge, experience, and support.
  • Joining a mastermind can fast-track your success and help you break limiting beliefs.

Value-Added Networking

  • Providing value to others without asking for anything in return can create a network of people who owe you favors.
  • This approach can lead to access to new opportunities and people.

Character Traits are the Most Important

  • Character traits, such as integrity, focus, and patience, are the foundation upon which success is built.
  • Developing character traits requires consistent action and adherence to values, despite feeling uncomfortable.

Believe in Others' Potential

  • Believing in others' potential can help them believe in themselves and achieve their goals.
  • Mentorship and masterminds can provide opportunities to build relationships and learn from others.


  • The entrepreneur's skills, character traits, and beliefs are the foundation of their success.
  • Developing character traits and skills through consistent action and mentorship can lead to rapid growth and accomplishment.
  • Believe in others' potential and provide value to build a strong network of relationships.

Source: This One Thing Will Make You A Better Entrepreneur, Alex Hormozi