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"Seizing Life-Changing Opportunities: Key Takeaways"


Reading Time: 1 min read

  1. Life-changing opportunities are rare, so it's essential to be prepared to seize them when they arise.
  2. Waiting can be beneficial, as it allows for the development of skills, which can increase the quality of opportunities that arise.
  3. Don't rely on future opportunities: expecting a "bigger and better" opportunity to come along later is a flawed mindset (the "fallacy of later").
  4. It's an individual decision: whether to seize an opportunity or not depends on one's own circumstances and priorities.
  5. Balance is key: learning to say "no" to some opportunities is crucial, but one must also be willing to take calculated risks and seize the right opportunities to avoid missed chances.

Source: Waiting For Life Changing Opportunities, Alex Hormozi