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The Importance of Branding: Lessons from the Bud Light x Dylan Mulany Collaboration


Reading Time: 1 min read

  1. The Bud Light x Dylan Mulany collaboration was successful in terms of advertising, making many people aware of the product and the brand.
  2. However, the pairing was seen as odd by many customers, resulting in bad branding.
  3. Despite the effective advertising, the negative branding led to a decrease in sales and ultimately a loss for the business.
  4. This teaches that while advertising may raise awareness, it's equally important to consider the branding and how it resonates with customers.

Overall, the takeaway is that effective advertising is not enough on its own; it needs to be paired with strong branding that resonates with customers in order to drive sales and success.

Source: Bud Light'S Big Brand Mistake, Alex Hormozi